Heart Strings Academy holds annual masterclasses with leading Suzuki Teacher Trainers and national experts in string teaching and performance.
What an honour to once again be able to welcome CARON CHAN, Chief Strings Examiner AMEB (NSW) to Armidale in February 2025 for masterclasses. We’re so thrilled Caron will be here to assist students between February 14 – 16, 2025, and offer us her expert guidance. Thank you and welcome Caron!
We’re thrilled charismatic Melbourne Symphony Orchestra cellist and pedagogue ROHAN DE KORTE will be visiting us from April 25th – 28th, 2024 for individual lessons, masterclasses and a very special concert ‘Cellissimo!’ 3pm Saturday 27th April at TAS Memorial Hall, with outstanding cellists Caleb Murray and Disa Smart, together with Heart Strings Academy Rising Star students. All welcome! TICKETS HERE
We are deeply honoured to welcome Georg Pedersen, Senior Lecturer in Cello at Sydney Conservatorium, to Armidale from March 12 – 14th 2023 for lessons, professional development and a 12-cello ensemble event! A Heart Strings Academy initiative in collaboration with NECOM.
ROHAN DE KORTE, cellist with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra gave fantastic Zoom lessons to students during the 2020 lockdowns in Melbourne.
Thank you so much Rohan, we hope you can travel to Armidale for face-to-face lessons soon!
Lecturer in Violin at Sydney Conservatorium DR. EVGENY SORKIN visited us in Armidale for masterclasses on 6th and 7th February 2021. The students and parents just loved his warm, insightful approach.
It was an honour to welcome CARON CHAN, Chief Strings Examiner AMEB (NSW) to give masterclasses to our players in Armidale on Friday 22nd February and Saturday February 23rd, 2019 (end Term 1, Week 4)
Thank you so much FRAN FIRTH Suzuki Teacher Trainer for visiting us for cello masterclasses
on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th November 2019 (end Term 4, Week 5)
So thrilled to have Senior Suzuki Teacher Trainers Takao Mizushima and Gillian Churchill return from Sydney to see us in Term 4
Gillian Churchill Sunday 29th October 2017 (Term 4, Week 3)
Takao Mizushima Sunday 5th November 2017 (Term 4, Week 4)
So thrilled to have Senior Suzuki Teacher Trainers Takao Mizushima and Gillian Churchill return from Sydney to see us in Term 4
Fabulous masterclasses were held with cellist Belinda Manwaring, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Australian Chamber Orchestra and violinist Jennifer Nickson Assistant Principal 1st Violin Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden London in
Term 2, Week 3: Monday 9th May 2016 Cello masterclasses with Belinda Manwaring
Term 3, Week 7: Monday 29th August 2016 Violin masterclass with Jennifer Nickson
Individual lessons, Group Tutorials, Parent Talk and Concert with two outstanding string teachers
Friday 5th, Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th June 2015
Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th June 2014
Tutorials, individual lessons and combined concert with guest teacher Dr. Imogen Coward
CONCERT: Includes student performances of the Vivaldi Double Concerto arranged for cello quintet, and the Vivaldi Concerto for Four Violins in B minor.
3pm Sunday 8th June in the Auditorium at the Old Teachers’ College.
President of the New South Wales Suzuki Talent Education Association
New England Suzuki Branch history by Elizabeth Green
9th June 2013, Tamworth
22nd-23rd June 2012 Armidale
12TH-13TH MARCH, 2011 Armidale
A gathering of Suzuki musicians and their families in Armidale on March 12th & 13th 2011, from as far afield as Walcha, Dorrigo, Bellingen, Tamworth, Moree, Urunga, Brierfield, Glennifer and Kalang provided the perfect opportunity for students to polish skills, meet new friends and share the joy of music making!
Teacher Trainers Haruo Goto and Takao Mizushima from Sydney inspired the students with their energy and enthusiasm. Both Teacher Trainers are former students of Dr. Shin’ichi Suzuki and in demand as skilled teachers in Sydney and at Suzuki conventions in Australia and abroad.
‘It is fantastic that there has been this almost local initiative to enhance musical education and experience’ said Lisa Bron, a parent who had travelled from Bellingen for the event.
Students enjoyed a wide range of activities with Suzuki Teacher Trainers and qualified Suzuki teachers from Bellingen, Tamworth and Armidale.
‘We loved every bit of the workshop’ enthused Sally Borchard who had brought her violin playing daughters Sinead and Veronica up from Tamworth. ‘It’s unique and different from the Sydney workshop making the children realise all the joy music can bring to everyone’
Frances Firth, a Certificate IV Suzuki Cello Teacher with the STEAA (NSW) Inc., gave a masterclass to young cellists on Friday October 22nd 2010 in the Seminar Room at the C.B. Newling Building.
She developed an immediate rapport with each student, and drew on the students’ own creativity to help identify and improve one specific aspect of their playing.
Gillian Churchill, a Senior Suzuki Teacher Trainer from Sydney joined Suzuki students from Armidale and Bellingen at the Mid-Year Concert on June 25th 2010, then gave a motivational talk to parents and students. The following morning, she gave a masterclass to students and families from both studios.
It was easy to warm to her informal style, and she shared many vital observations gained from her remarkable career as a Suzuki teacher.